Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Genre: Adventure & Comedy
In this sequel, Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still struggling to get home to their home, Central Park Zoo but they need to find the penguins first. When they arrive at Monte Carlo in France, they become wanted by Animal Control fot gate crashing a party. The leader of the Animal Control is willing to add Alex to her animal collection.
This fits their genre perfectly which is Adventure/Comedy.
Alex, the main character in the movie, is shown to be brave and take him and his friends back home.
The villian in this was the leader of the Animal Control who wants to make Alex and his friends from going home and making them part of her collection.
From this trailer, we can see a mototrcycle chase, animals wearing afros and performing at a circus. The animals also gate crashing a party from falling through the roof.
It takes place at a party in France. After this you can see the adventure begin on the roads of France and move to other serveral locatons.
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